Showing 3 Result(s)

Cariló: Argentina’s Coastal Forest Town

We pulled onto the sand pathway that leads to nothing but Cariló and the Atlantic Ocean, and I knew one thing: I’d be spending the whole week barefoot. Cariló is tucked away in a manmade forest about 225 miles south of Buenos Aires. Throughout the stay, I kept trying to draw comparisons to familiar places. Culturally, its reminiscent of California’s Carmel-by-the-Sea — think linen pants and crisp white wine and Restoration Hardware. But the sand streets! The beachside forests! The sunrises! Cariló, from the ground up, is unique.

John + Sherine’s Surprise Proposal in Buenos Aires

John and Sherine met four years ago, and it’s still up for debate who made the first move. They were introduced through friends but didn’t really get to know each other until a New Year’s Eve hotel party. Although they’d gone to the party separately, they ended up alone on a level with casual jazz music and easy conversation. Not the party they’d expected, but not too shabby either.