Showing 8 Result(s)

Article: Women’s Wealth

On the Personal Capital newsroom team, a core feature of our strategy is developing survey reports that generate brand buzz. We identify a trending topic. Working with survey partners, we develop questions that can be answered by our offering. In honor of Women’s History Month, I wrote this article about women’s financial wellness pulled from robust survey data. The project involved a lot of collaboration: Extracting the data with our survey partners Developing quotes with an internal spokesperson Buttoning up the report with our compliance team This project paired two of my favorite marketing assets: data insights and personal perspective. …

Social Media Management

As the Content Manager for Personal Capital, I manage our organic social presence, including strategy, copywriting and community management. Since taking the reins in October 2020, I increased impressions by 39%, grew our audience size by 10% and sent 12% more direct message replies to customers when compared to the previous period. In collaboration with our graphic designers, I created eight new content series to increase audience engagement and deliver consistent brand messaging. I also manage our influencer marketing program, which includes collaborating with creators on their channels. This year, I launched a trimly budgeted, first-ever social contest in partnership …

Guide: Tax Hacks

In 2021, I kicked off a new conversion initiative using the long-form guides offered by Personal Capital. I wrote copy for web, social, email and other promotional channels. Working with our creative and engineering teams, we gated eight guides with registration forms, including our popular guide 5 Tax Hacks Every Investor Should Know.

Website Landing Page

In my role as Senior Content Producer for Avature, I developed a careers page specifically for engineers. In collaboration with our graphic design team, we created a simple layout that highlighted the core values of our engineering team. The real challenge of the project was homing in on the department’s culture in order to accurately and succinctly portray it. To better understand engineering at Avature, I interviewed four key members of the engineering team; quotes from them add a personal touch to the careers page. I also sat down with the lead engineering recruiter to get a feel for what …

Guide: Technical Writing (GDPR)

In my role as Senior Content Producer for Avature, I developed videos, guides, infographics, articles and blog posts, as well as social media communications and email marketing campaigns. These resources supported talent professionals, from recruiters to CHROs. This particular project was released prior to the implementation of updated European data privacy regulations. I designed the straightforward guide to help our customers sort through the new requirements. To develop the document, I researched the topic, wrote the guide and collaborated with our graphic design team to create the layout and icons. I published the document and diffused it to customers via …

This is the photo of a retail manager on an iPad.

Article: Retail Recruiting Trends

In my role as Senior Content Producer for Avature, I developed videos, guides, infographics, articles and blog posts, as well as social media communications and email marketing campaigns. As a specialist in our retail vertical, I wrote blog posts to help corporate teams understand in-store and online retail recruiting. This SEO blog post explores top trends in retail recruiting and offers practical advice to stay ahead.

This is a photo of retail recruiting.

Guide: Retail Recruiting

In my role as Senior Content Producer for Avature, I developed videos, guides, infographics, articles and blog posts, as well as social media communications and email marketing campaigns. While at Avature, we released a new enterprise SaaS product specific to the retail industry. To engage customers in a wholly new vertical, I created fresh, relevant assets such as a comprehensive guide designed to help corporate teams understand the challenges and viable solutions for in-store recruiting. The final product is the result of cross-functional collaboration. I took a product outline created by our product marketing team and crafted a narrative that …

This is a photo of a woman typing.

Article: Customer Feature

In my role as Senior Content Producer for Avature, I developed videos, guides, infographics, articles and blog posts, as well as social media communications and email marketing campaigns. I shepherded our marketing strategy to “make our customers famous,” which involved interviewing talent leaders and writing about their approaches to talent acquisition. I picked the brains of two HR executives and produced this piece, originally published in German in HR Performance magazine.