Why I Am Nearly Alice

My grandmother Alice taught me how to travel.

She took me on my first big trip to visit family in Vermont when I was six years old. We went again to the East Coast seven years later. Then she helped me celebrate my high school graduation with a vacation to Mexico, just us two.

My grandmother seemed to thrive en route, packing light and shuttling us around the airport. She had a sense of direction but enjoyed the trip, too. (To this day, she’s still the only person I know who likes airplane food.) Whenever we arrived, she wanted to explore the new places, eat and drink to our fill, and pass time lazily together.

Apart from travel, my grandmother also appreciates beautiful clothing and interior design. She’s devoted to family. She loves Jesus in a way that’s authentic and reverent. She is playful and warm and vivacious. In so many ways, I’m similar to Alice — or at least hope to be more like her.

In 2008 she suffered a stroke, and I’ve watched as these parts of herself — her personality, memories and values — slip away from her. She still has moments of clarity, of course. Those sparkling moments, like when she remembered a song about her name.

After I moved to Buenos Aires in July of 2016, almost everyone I met called me Alice. I say Alicia in Spanish; they think Alice in English. Every time, I’m reminded of my grandmother.

My name isn’t Alice. But I am nearly Alice.


  1. Joan Casselberry says:

    A beautiful tribute to an amazing woman…that Nana of yours! And she did pass on that adventurous spirit to her mija.

  2. Randy Castro says:

    Bebe that was a beautiful tribute to Nana.It brings tears to my eyes remembering all the things she has been part of in our lives. Visits to Disneylandand road trips across country to name a few. She would be very very proud of you and if she was well she’d be right along side of you in your travels. Dad

  3. Deborah Martinez says:

    What a beautiful tribute to my mother and your Nana. It made me cry but then again I’m crying a lot these days. It’s such a blessing to see that she made such beautiful memories with her grandchildren. She would be so proud of you, your dad is right if she was well she would be right along Side of you in your travels. Thank you for your loving words, Auntie

  4. Mario R, Vazquez says:

    The Real Alice and I were married for nine years. Yes, she liked to travel and so did I. During our marriage, we traveled about 150,000 miles. We took 37 trips, including cruises around the Caribbean, Baltic and Mediterranean Seas. We went to 13 countries, 20 states, 10 islands 20 major worldwide cities. Yes, we traveled on our retirement only and enjoyed it. Has last trip was just completed to Heaven. Rest in peace Alice, for we will meet again.

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