John + Sherine’s Surprise Proposal in Buenos Aires

John and Sherine met four years ago, and it’s still up for debate who made the first move.

They were introduced through friends but didn’t really get to know each other until a New Year’s Eve hotel party. Although they’d gone to the party separately, they ended up alone on a level with casual jazz music and easy conversation. Not the party they’d expected, but not too shabby either.

Engagement with a view

view of Buenos Aires during the proposal

Four years later, both work at tech companies, live near family and travel whenever possible. It makes sense that their proposal involved all three: tech-enabled planning on the part of John, support of family and friends, and a new location they’d never visited.

For months, the couple used Pinterest to map out their Argentine vacation. At the same time, John planned (and pinned) all the details of the surprise proposal: where they could go, what they could do and who’d play a role.

With the help of a Buenos Aires-based friend, John selected the Hotel Panamericano for its sweeping views of the city. The two arrived to the high-rise lounge and walked out to the balcony to take in the view. Above the busy streets and noise, they agreed to spend their lives together.

After the proposal, the couple called their waiting families for a quick FaceTime call, toasting champagne 6,000 miles away. Next, they wandered through the city and pieced together the proposal on the steps of the world-renowned Teatro Colón. After the shock wore off a bit, the two spent the following afternoon in el Rosedal, Buenos Aires’ iconic rose gardens.

John and Sherine, thank you for letting me witness your engagement and document the day. Regardless of who made the first move all those years ago, you’ve created a beautiful relationship together! May your lives continue to be filled with family, travel and surprises.

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1 Comment

  1. What a beautiful way to propose! Such a romantic and the pictures you took are stunning!

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