It’s a Jungalow in Here: Buenos Aires Rooftop Studio Apartment

Living in the center of a big city, there’s nothing quite as comforting as coming home to my own little space. Recently, I found a studio to meet the need.

Since relocating to Buenos Aires in June 2016, I’ve moved five times — schlepping around progressively more bags, furniture, artwork and plants. I enjoy settling into new spaces, but I was beginning to feel a bit unstable. This time around, I sought my first solo apartment in the city and landed in the first place I visited.

Welcome to the jungalow

The day I toured the studio, the city air weighed thick with humidity. Walking just the half mile from my old house to the new building left me sluggish. Yet as I wound my way up the four flights of marble stairs, I somehow felt lighter. The landlady, a 40-something vegan chef, opened the door to our shared rooftop terrace and guided me to the studio that I now call home. Upon stepping inside, I sensed a few things.

First, I felt the breeze. Two large windows open to the city across from the sliding door entryway, creating airflow throughout the room.

Second, I noticed the brightness. A white sloped wooden ceiling with exposed beams spans the studio and welcomes light to fill the small space.

Third, I realized how I felt. Much like the room, sunny. Warm. Calm.

Nevertheless, the listed price was well outside my budget, so I thanked the landlady and walked gingerly down the spiral staircase. For a few days, I considered whether I wanted to (or even could!) take on the expense. In the end — after creating an extensive pros-and-cons list — I decided that the benefits were worth the cost.

A studio to settle into

Take a seat! But don’t spill your wine, mmmk?

So now, only a couple of weeks after moving in, I’m tightening my budget, in part by using my tiny kitchen to cook more and eat out less. I’m also writing more, reading more and waking up with the sun. What’s making me feel so inspired? Change, probably. In the meantime, let me show you around.

Plants fill in the blanks of my very small book collection. On the opposite wall, my desk can be easily moved so that I face the windows while writing.

My own greenery and trinkets ensure the place feels like home.

The small kitchen came equipped with all the basics, including a washing machine that roars like a rocket. In the simple living room, I can roll aside the coffee table to make space for my yoga mat.

Let’s get cooking!
But… where do I put my FOOD?

Notes and postcards from friends make me feel less disappointed by the fact that the fridge is mini.

The bright white bathroom affords natural light for getting ready. My closet extends across the back wall to provide storage space for all that stuff I’ve been lugging around.

Good morning, world!

Can a living space really have a profound impact on my lifestyle? Will I finally be a morning person? Will I become a raw-foods-only vegan like my adorable landlady?

Who knows. I’m just happy to be here.

1 Comment

  1. Debbie says:

    Your new home sounds perfect for you!

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