Showing 8 Result(s)

Meeting the Monk on the Hillside

The top of the hill was in sight. We’d already climbed one seaside peak, ungracefully slipping up the sandy trail, and we were rounding the second one when we saw the old hotel complex. I called out. “¿Hola, hay alguien por acá?” Is anyone there? From one of the cabins wandered a man, compact and spry, gray bristles written across his chest and arms. He smiled.

Recalling Irmgard: A ‘Rosie the Riveter’ Who Pressed for Progress

When I worked as a reporter in California, a woman named Irmgard would frequently call the newsroom. “I’m one of the last Rosie the Riveters,” she’d say. “You know her? That one flexing her muscle. I’m one of those.” One day, after talking with Irmgard a couple of times over the phone, I agreed to go visit her house in rural Mountain Ranch. We needed a feature story, and she sounded so passionate. What was there to lose?

John + Sherine’s Surprise Proposal in Buenos Aires

John and Sherine met four years ago, and it’s still up for debate who made the first move. They were introduced through friends but didn’t really get to know each other until a New Year’s Eve hotel party. Although they’d gone to the party separately, they ended up alone on a level with casual jazz music and easy conversation. Not the party they’d expected, but not too shabby either.