Showing 48 Result(s)

Meeting the Monk on the Hillside

The top of the hill was in sight. We’d already climbed one seaside peak, ungracefully slipping up the sandy trail, and we were rounding the second one when we saw the old hotel complex. I called out. “¿Hola, hay alguien por acá?” Is anyone there? From one of the cabins wandered a man, compact and spry, gray bristles written across his chest and arms. He smiled.

Back to School on the Beach of Ayampe

Ayampe — built almost entirely of bamboo and straw — rests only eight hours by bus from the capital city of Quito, Ecuador. But it’s a world away in lifestyle. In this beach town, you wake up with the sun, work and relax and live outdoors. You order a coconut from an old man and watch his eight-year-old grandson chop it open with a machete. You eat ceviche for $3 while hearing the ocean roar. And you spend your afternoons in a hammock, awaiting sunset.

Month on a Permaculture Farm in Chile

The best time of day at Tierra de Aprendices is just past seven in the evening. The sun is lazily stretching its rays one last time before settling behind the hill. Everyone is quiet, solitary, tending to the day’s final tasks. Ros waters the plants. Pancho chops firewood for the night’s bonfire. Ben plants the seed of a plum he ate after lunch, musing that in 10 years he can return to see a tree enormous with fruit. I slice potatoes and veggies to blend into a spicy dipping sauce. We’ll eat it later with bread for once, a light …